Apple stock 2000 to 2020
Apple stock price predictions for May 2020. The forecast for beginning of May 247. Maximum value 249, while minimum 221. Averaged Apple stock price for month 238. Price at the end 235, change for May -4.9%. Apple stock predictions for June 2020. The forecast for beginning of June 235. Maximum value 262, while minimum 232. The year 2000 also brought about Apple’s second stock spell. On June 21, with Apple’s stock price at $101.25, Apple issued two shares to investors at $55.62. The latest closing stock price for Apple as of March 13, 2020 is 277.97. The all-time high Apple stock closing price was 327.20 on February 12, 2020 . The Apple 52-week high stock price is 327.85 , which is 17.9% above the current share price.